Berita Industri
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- The best temperature for corn drying in a corn dryer. Why must the temperature of the grain dryer be controlled? In Heilongjiang, China, drying is an important part of the corn storage process. Pada...Baca selengkapnya
- Heated air drying and low-temperature drying (also referred to as near-ambient drying or in-store drying) employ two fundamentally different drying principles. Keduanya memiliki ...Baca selengkapnya
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- The starting quality of the paddy for rice milling is should be good and paddy should be at the right moisture content (14%) and have a high purity. ...Baca selengkapnya
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Penggunaan dan Tindakan Pencegahan Mesin Penggilingan Padi
Penggilingan padi terutama menggunakan kekuatan peralatan mekanis untuk mengupas dan memutihkan beras merah. When the brown rice flows into the whitening room from the hopper, the brown...Baca selengkapnya -
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